Our big aussie adventure

By Kristyn

Our little cottage

This is our temporary home for the next four weeks. It's situated in the bush and this morning we woke up to wallabies outside the kitchen window! Of course this meant that oscar made us all jump around like them as he was so excited!
This morning we went for a walk up the road and were greeted with the most stunning 360 views. We could see right over to Kingston with its beautiful beaches and up to Mt Wellington.

House hunting starts tomorrow for Carl and I. This is going to be interesting with Oscar. He is still really unsettled with the move and constantly asks if he can go home. I know we have made the right decision to move but feel so guilty when he asks to go home and play with his friends. For the time being we are keeping oscar occupied with being our adventure leader for spotting wallabies, cockies and the allusive tasmanian devil.

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