….. I can do almost as well!
Our son and daughter-in-law have been away this weekend, which is why we have been looking after our grandchildren. Our son, M, posted a photograph of the towels on their bed in the hotel where they were staying - so I decided to give my "towel folding" a try - it's amazing what you can learn from Youtube! A couple of tries and here is my contribution on their bed at home, with a photograph of M & D, taken by me, to make it look good.
New things can sometimes be scary or make us feel we aren't up to the job, but actually, if we put our minds to it, we can do anything. Sometimes it's the thought of doing something new that puts us off, but those of us who are "more mature" know that "practice makes perfect" - a phrase we have probably heard many times in our lives, but it is quite true. Before I could type, I found watching someone typing quite awe-inspiring, but now that I am able to touch type very fast (and it's the only thing I can do faster than my son!) I think nothing of it. However, it didn't just happen - I practised and practised and practised some more.
I'm the sort of person who enjoys doing new things; my new challenge of décopatching is coming on in leaps and bounds and I have enjoyed spending time with our granddaughter this weekend and making things with her. Our grandson wasn't quite so keen - he would rather be out kicking a football around!
So perhaps this week you need to find a new challenge - I wonder what it will be?
“Do it again.
Play it again.
Sing it again.
Read it again.
Write it again.
Sketch it again.
Rehearse it again.
Run it again.
Try it again.
Because again is practice,
and practice is improvement,
and improvement only leads to perfection.”
Richelle E. Goodrich : Smile Anyway
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