Happy Mother's Day

Spent a lovely day with my folks today.

We went to the Edinburgh Bike Co-op first to get me a new bike (which I pick up on Friday). I decided that I needed to do some exercise while I can't run, but was stunned to find that a single gym visit would cost me £7.20. It seemed more economical to buy a bike instead. So I went halfers with my folks, they bought me half a bike for my birthday. I have such wonderful parents!

Then we went for a walk around Holyrood park, Duddingston and Dr Neil's Garden. Dogs weren't allowed in the gardens, so as I'd been in before, Misty and I stayed outside and took some selfies (bottom right). Misty chose just that moment to give me a big slobbery kiss! Thanks Misty!

Then it was back home for an indoor picnic. We were supposed to have a picnic in the park, but it was a cold, grey and misty day. A picnic is just as good indoors really.

A wonderful day, and I even treated mum to flowers, chocolates and a card. Happy Mother's Day!

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