Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux

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I went hunting this weekend with my father for the first time in two years. It was quite a special weekend. He and I had a long, meaningful talk about an issue that has been coming between us for a while now, and we moved past it, finally.

As for the hunting, I saw not a single deer, which was okay, because I had more interest in shooting photographs than animals. It snowed this year, the second year in a row, which is an extreme anomaly in Southeast Texas. The landscape was beautiful, and I had many subjects from which to choose. I took over 220 pictures, so to select one was difficult.

I picked this photo because I think that it is somewhat symbolic. I think we put up stop signs in our lives. Some of the signs are for ourselves, telling us to stop, to dare not venture along this path, while some signs are for others, keeping them out. In my own personal life, I find it increasingly difficult to really open up and let people in. It is fascinating that two simple signs with a total of twelve letters can say so much.

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