
By monkus


Never a good idea to carry food past the monkeys...the banana was just too much for his self control...recent monkey adventures: being woken up by two in my room at Vishnu, Jens being robbed as he dozed by them, a woman in haridwar almost being pulled into the ganges and then this...historically my grip withthm is about an orange, stolen in pushkar years ago...

And so, as the heat has reached rishikeh I took the sensible option of heading into the desert, back to pushkar to do my puja...but briefly, then back north to, hopefully Amritsar and ten finish up in shimla for a game of, an overnight bus beckons on Tuesday....and I know I've stayed too long here, but the rest was'll be so good to get back on the road....

Today has been one if quietened lethargy, with occasional bursts of activity...,and a growing awareness that I will have to leave in just over two weeks, I wonder where the time has gone....

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