Eels on Wheels, Eyemouth
The second of our two days in Coldingham started off (and continued) even more grey and colder than the first. The fog and mist didn't lift all day. Not a day for sight-seeing, or photography for that matter.
As it happened, my friends and I had to leave our rented cottage just after 10am , so we packed up and headed to Eyemouth where we planned to attend the morning church service. A short stroll around the town afterwards, a bite of lunch, and then it was time to head back up the road to our respective homes.
Some photos of the harbour were taken, but looked grey and uninspiring. Some photos taken in the town were equally grey and lacked depth or colour. However, I was amused by the slogan on this fish van and thought it worth sharing - if only to give a smile those who see it.
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