Had a tooth aching when before I left home. Just hoped it would pass, but it didnt. It got worse and I had some antibiotics at the pharmacy. The pills include antabus, so not another drop of alcohol during this holiday. Fortunately it's not the worst holiday destroyer to me.
Then today I went back to the pharmacy for another box of pills to continue the cure. Now it was a different lady and she said that they dont sell that medicin without a prescription. -But I had these some days ago!, I said. She continued to teach me about the danger of infection in the mouth, how it could continue to the artery, then heart and death!! And then she gave me another box!
Felt chocked, this was news and didnt feel for risking that she exaggerated. We were on our way to Arguineguin and I decided to visit the dentist there.
Puhh .. they took an xray and no infection left. We could continue our photo walk, had a marvellous lunch in a italian restaurant at lunch, the temperature was just perfect.
Asked with my best spanish for a photo of this lovely gang.
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