Happy Mother's Day

The March after Mum died in the October I found myself at the supermarket checkout in floods of tears because I was surrounded by Mother's Day presents and caught myself mid, 'Oh I must get mum.....'

Two days ago an e mail arrived in my inbox reminding me to order my Mother's Day card. So, like lots of you out there, these anniversaries are tough for me.

Tony gave me this jigsaw for my birthday and I opened the box a couple of days ago. It has been lovely to do it because my mum was a brilliant dressmaker and, as a child, I loved her sewing room because it was a treasure chest of all the stuff you need to create wonderful things. Sadly her creative genes skipped me, thankfully landing in our girls, but I can still recall the fun of going with mum to the Haberdashers in Idle to stock up on zips and bobbins and decorative edgings. This jigsaw is brimming with all the same things that were in mum's sewing box: silks; patterns; bits of lace; pins and pin cushions; Sylko cotton; darning threads; ribbons and masses of buttons for me to sort. Tony couldn't have given me a better present to remind me of those simple but special memories of my mum. Xxx

When we arrived home tonight from our weekend with the Junior Squad in the Lake District there was a lovely Highland Stoneware mug waiting for me...I love their pottery! It seems the pixies in the shape of Jen and Pete had popped in to leave it for Mother's Day...love you both xx

And a very Happy Mother's Day to all mums out there!

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