Auntie Mo and Uncle Graham
Lovely two day visit from Mo and Graham, too much eating and drinking and loads of laughing. They always make time for catching up with Sam and Tess, and in turn the kids look forward to seeing them.
Arriving on Friday night it was all about late night wine induced yapping, soaked up by Dave's lovely home cooked meal. Yesterday we made it out to the Sandollar and the beach for a late breakfast, before sauntering around the city, making time for some art gallery reminiscence - I am so going back to see the Scottish tapestry panels, there was something about them and the politics of the day that made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck - then onto an impromptu visit to my folks to talk Doric, followed by a walk in the forest where Mo was tickled pink by Thumper walking the whole way with us. The evening was topped off by a Chinese takeout and Mr Men impersonations.
Today was scrabble, toblerone for breakfast - Mothers' Day has its merits - and the mucho many seals at windy cold Forvie sands at Newburgh. One wee baby was so curious it all but came out onto the beach beside us.
Waved goodbye to M&G as we headed off in different directions, me and the kids onto a late afternoon Mothers' Day visit to mum and dads for a cuppy o tea, biscuits and some politics. Viva la independence! Even my Daily Mail reading father can see it! I'm pure cream crackered. Whose flippin' idea was it to lose an hour this weekend; as some buffoon once said, "nonsense on stilts that is".
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