Not Simnel Cake

More like pea soup.

Bags and the family came round today with a 'cake' for SWMBO to celebrate Mothering Sunday (not the American commercial invention 'Mothers day).
It wasn't a simnel cake though.

Simnel cakes have been known since at least the medieval times. They would be eaten on the middle Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday (also known as Refreshment Sunday, Mothering Sunday, Sunday of the Five Loaves, and Simnel Sunday), when the forty day fast would be relaxed.[13] More recently, they became a Mothering Sunday tradition, when young girls in service would make one to be taken home to their mothers on their day off. The word simnel probably derived from the Latin word simila, meaning fine, wheaten flour

This afternoon we went to drop of discs of the pictures from my sisters birthday bash where we had a glass of wine and some cake ......... Walnut cake and Lemon Cream Pie.
Still no Simnel cake (so much for my sister being the religious one!)

On the way home we stopped to drop off flowers with what turned out to be a houseful of women and babies/young children - for no other reason than they deserved them for being nice people.
While the adults ate SWMBO and I fed the twin babies.
We got a slice of cake for our troubles (I have no idea that happened to that one - but I believe a young child 'helped' in the making, so that might have something to do with it)

Still no Simnel cake and I am completely caked out.
(Maybe next year).

I am now sitting waiting on a very rarely netbook doing updates before heading to bed but it is on N04 of 75 so I could be a while.

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