Working in the morning again. Had to go for a shop to Coles for the cafe with a big red pulley! Got lots of looks with it! Finished at 2 today. Used the free wifi outside the cafe for a bit so I could get in contact with Charlotte. Met up with Char at the bus stop and we took it to Noosa civic. Went to the Optus shop and tried to get our phones fixed. Charlotte got hers fixed but mine didn't work. Then browsed through some shops before heading back. I went for a run down at the national park. Love it down there. However when I got to hells gates I turned around and could see in the distance there was a huge down pour. So got completely soaked near the end, chatted to two lovely people under a little hut before I started running again! When I got back I had a shower and went to bed pretty early for a change!! Put the sheet at the side of my bed to make it slightly more private!
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