Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

Cake Club - Bubbles

Today got up early because I had left it last minuet to bake the cake for cake club! Even though the theme was chosen by me, for my birthday. So whipped up a choclate cake my go to cake recipe it stays moist and is esay to do. While that was in the oven I took the Dexter to the park, he is so full of beans with no hair!

Then came back and started the long process of buttercremeing the cake and then fondant, I then started the bubbles, Charmaine poped in for a cuppa and was roped into helping with rolling the balls.
I did a orange buttercreme filling.

Then we went to cake club together Charmaine had never been before. It was great fun, there was a funny incident with a woman turning up who brought BRIOCHE from sainsburys and said she was too busy to bake she needed to be in the gym!! - Strange.

We then headed home after two bottles of bubbly, and then I decided to do a last minuet Wild Worthing thing and put dinner up on at the Yeoman - six came along and it was a real giggle we did not get home till gone midnight! I was shattered.

The Blue cake is mine.

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