
By cate1

What a surprise! and a marathon enttry!

I spent more than 2 hours in the garden today, mostly lifting moss from the top of the soil. What is your opinion on moss on plants and bushes? Some people adivise leaving the moss alone; others that it should be removed, as it takes moisture from the bushes. Our garden has a very heavy clay soil, which we've been trying to improve for years with natural compost and fertiliser, however many plants are quite covered in moss.
Back to the blip. I photographed quite a few plants today looking to determine why some close-ups were blurry. Conclusion-probably due to an unsteady hand, as there was no difference between "close-up" mode and using the lens to get close. Just as I was about to stop blipping, I noticed these flowers?? right in the middle of a Pieris bush. We have about 3 bushes and they are about 4-5 years old now and I have never seen this part of the plant before. If I hadn't been down close blipping a quite hidden primrose, I wouldn't have seen it. 'Forest Flame' is the variety of pieris. "cherished for their vibrant red young growth which turns pink later in the season. Cream white flowers are then produced during spring." taken from the web. Are these the white flowers? If so they won't ever be seen as they are well hidden.

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