POG's Journal


I'm Okay...

Well my day has been OK… up at 05:00 and on the road nice and early. Got to work around 07:00 and cracked on. Monday’s are not my favourite as I have to approve the timesheets for the 20 guys that work for me…
I managed to negotiate the moving of my teams to one location within the building… this should be really good as the current location is very hot in the summer so having a nicer working environment should be really good.
The 90 minute drive home was nice and clear, whizzed through Guildford. Got home and swapped the suit, tie and VW Jetta for shorts, t-shirt and Z3 and went to my sisters for a haircut…
Well that about it…

The Photo:
Well as I’m Okay I thought I would blip that, it’s the TV remote…

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