The Two Fisherton Bridges....

Old (Medieval), left, new (1970s) distant right, over the Avon, in Salisbury. The Fisherton Street clock tower can be seen lit by the new bridge. Look in LARGE

Lens is Nikkor D 16mm f2.8 fisheye. It has curved the river to make it look as if it bends.

An emotional and difficult day, not just the photographing and blipping of my father's old - and now decimated - workshop but for me, trying to navigate the Dept of Work & Pensions, involving people who basically didn't know what they were talking about. Then phone calls charged at premium rate, interrupted by a voice reminding that one 'will be charged' for this call, several times, each incurring at least another 15 seconds of expensive calling time...

So, I have been a mostly absent blip contributor as I just couldn't concentrate and with my head all over the place.

In the end, I just had to get out using the only reliable therapy I know - YES - Photography - and this is the final image late on a Monday night.

Time exposures at night using a tripod is never a good idea in Salisbury's centre, with pubs churning out idiots but if it has to be done, then Monday is the best bet.

The cherry blossom on the right looks lovely, too.

Thank you all so much for the wonderful supportive comments on yesterday's - it was my intention to reply to them all but I just couldn't. I read them all, several times over. In a way it's reassuring for me to get back on home ground, so to speak, with this time exposure and can sleep well, now, hopefully!

I certainly aim to get back on track, commenting wise, tomorrow. Though should add that the flat below me is having a major refit and so as they bang and hammer, every shock and knock goes right through me - and which inevitably will have me running screaming out into the spring weather outside.

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