As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

To The East And To The West

Ah, to be part of a team like this.

It snowed a lot this morning. Not expected, but not unwelcome (at least from my perspective). The weather will be what it will be; no use complaining about it.

The sun came out in the afternoon and melted all the snow away. It was beautiful.

Meet at JFK today against Mepham, Carey, and JFK. I ran the 1600 and the 3200. Not sure of my time in the 1600, but Timmy, Collins, and I crossed the line together for the 3200 with a time of 11:00 flat. It was really windy and there weren't too many people in our races, especially the 3200. Timmy and I had some fun pacing each other and taking the wind. We went 1-2-3 in the 1600 and 3200, and we won the meet!

But how could my day end there?

Straight from JFK to MYO.

My life consists of nothing more than three-letter acronyms.

We played our commissioned piece with the chorus and it rocked. I love this piece so much.

I'm going to wear shorts tomorrow.

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