The Clam Digger

I'm always on the lookout for unusual places. Someone had told me to go to Cedar Key, Florida. They said it was "old" Florida. I went...I's old. Then, I saw a sign that advertised LARGEST CLAM FARM IN FLORIDA. A crab farm?

I went in, and saw large tubes of multi-colored liquid. I had to ask.

"What is that stuff?"

"It's the algae that we feed to the baby clams."

That's the only question he would answer. "We give a tour on Wednesday at 1 o'clock."

But, another young man who was outside was ready for my questions.

"How long does it take to "make" a clam?"

"Anywhere from 1-5 years...depending on what size we want them."

"After working here all many times has your wife said to you at night..."YOU NEVER TALK TO ME! ALL YOU DO IS CLAM UP!!!" No answer.

One last question. "I can see the whole clams from do you grow the clam strips?" answer.

The tumbler on the right knocks all the gunk away from the clam. The worker makes sure all of the stuff is off of it. Basket after basket after basket.

Check out my FLICKR PAGE for a few more shots.

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