
By dorrit


I went to Eugene Airport to pick up "Faraway Grandma" who was coming back from California where she had been visiting her children and grandchildren. The weather here in Oregon has been beautiful for weeks now. Lots of blue skies...but....that means cold air. I think they said Eugene has been reaching down into the 20's lately. I was lucky, though, because with no precipitation the roads were not too bad even though it was freezing. I passed a sheer mountain that was completely covered with icicles and the sun was shining right on them. It was brilliant! But I would have been terribly, terribly, more than dead, if I had tried to stop right there and blip it! I was so sorely tempted, though. When I finally found a pull-off it was at least a mile away and it was only 25 degrees out! At that point I was not as sorely tempted!

These icicles were not as hard to capture but I did have to walk a way in the cold and on the edge of a busy highway. The picture I took did not come out as well as I had hoped. I think I was shivering and so most of them came out blurry. This was the best of the lot.

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