From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Life is cruel!

I haven't done much since I got back. It's the normal sort of thing where you put the washing machine on and wonder how the garden turned into a jungle when you were only away a fortnight.

Back to work on Wednesday so I'm trying to get into the right frame of mind! I might treat myself to an egg muffin in McDonalds...

Nothing else changes and life goes on. The starlings and tits are still beautiful. Next door has put up a bloody basketball hoop/board in their garden at the house end so sticks up like an eyesore. The first ball that comes over will be impaled on a sharp stick before being hurled back! Yeah, yeah I'm a witch but don't care....

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Other news, my favourite ruggedly handsome pigeon has been in a fight. See here and here. I don't reckon it was a cat as the cat would have finished him off. I suspect magpies. Anyway, he was on the birdbath showing me his battle scars from all angles and I took several shots. It's like one of those horrible police evidence boards! I hope he'll be OK but he moves slower and is being picked on by other pigeons, magpies and squirrels.

Track? I fancy Led Zep today - Stairway To Heaven

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