
By DancingAly

On Display

The flowers I bought my mum for Mother's Day. It was very misty and damp this morning, but by the afternoon it was warm and sunny. You can see the weather is starting to turn, and it just feels more Spring like, with the smell of freshly cut grass.

We performed again the songs from the music festival to the parents this afternoon. It went well, but it was very stressful getting them ready! Thank God it's nearly the Easter holidays!

I've felt all positive this evening, and took a little trip to Boots to stock up on essentials for Blackpool. I managed to send £51- commitment to the cause! I was fine, but once I got home I started to feel all worried and uneasy about going away. It's three nights for goodness sake- man up! I always feel this way each year. It'll be fine once I get there.

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