Please Don't Laugh

I took this picture when I got home from work tonight. The little chickadee is sitting in what I call the chirping tree because he’s one of many and they make the most wonderful chorus of noise in the evening, and I love it and them. Anyway, my point is I didn’t expend much energy to get the picture.

At some point during the evening I was seized with the urge to find a more exciting blip and so decided to take a short drive to the park in search of a red-winged blackbird. At the last minute out the door I grabbed my camera strap which I usually detach when I’m stalking things at home because it gets in the way, but I don’t like to leave home without it. So, I arrived at the park with the camera strap and discovered that I’d forgotten the camera bag and the camera. You knew that was coming, didn’t you?

To save face, I determined that the light wasn’t right on the pond and even if there were red-winged blackbirds the conditions weren’t good for a blip anyway, so I came home. On the way I noticed that the sunset was revving up so I decided to go down to the waterfront, just about the same distance in the opposite direction from the park, and see if I couldn’t get a spectacular sunset blip. Obviously I couldn’t , so I gave up and came home.

After an evening of driving and stalking subjects I ended up with not much to show for it except an encounter with a nice man and his dog at the park (those pictures didn’t turn out either).

That’s what I get for trying too hard. Well, I like the little bird anyway and tomorrow is another day. Who knows what will appear in front of the lens, assuming I remember to attach it to the camera.

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