the little world of me

By MrsCuppaT

Not an April fool

Stuck in traffic! Only needed to get fuel.

I heard some funny April fool jokes today. Someone put black stripes on preset vale white horse making it a zebra, they said on the radio that as a traffic calming measure and to lower emissions, they wouldn't be allowing red or silver cars to drive in the town centre of a neighbouring town!
The class teacher of the year 5-6 at school got her class too. They had a trip to Alton towers on Friday and due to them arriving late, they missed there educational lesson about forces. The teacher then went on to explain that the children who missed this 1st workshop would have to go back on Monday (1st day of Easter break) and complete it. As they were meant to be being educated off site and it would have to go down in the register as an unauthorised absence! Quite a few children had worried looks and some commented on how they were going on holiday! The teacher carried her joke on by saying she would be discussing with parents to see if those going away could make other travel arrangements!!!

I hope no one got fooled too much x

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