midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Mothers Day x 2

An unusually wonderful Mothers Day
Call out at 05.00 for home birth. Baby boy, all well. Big brother (8yr) sat in bed with mum after to met his new brother, touched his hand, looked into his face and quietly cried with happiness. Both of us midwives welled up too! I've never seen an older sibling male cry. it was pure raw emotional magic.
Home for brunch and a walk with hubs on a beautiful spring day. This crow was hopping around shouting in his tree at the sheer joy of spring!
Chat with my mum on face time in England. Miss her and love her loadz.
Call out to another home birth. Little girl, water birth (got to use many of my tips from study day on Friday). So calm. gentle and straight forward - I was a tiny part of the process. Just how it should be.
A very good day all round :0)

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