By AMK49

Blipper on a mission!

It is not very often that I appear on the other side of the camera but my friend in Mull took this one of me.

We were on a mission to find wreckage on a Mull hillside from a wartime explosion which blew parts of a ship far out of water.

The story was recounted to us by a Mull lady who was a young girl at the time. In January 1943 the Ostende, an ammunition ship on-route from New York to Liverpool, suffered an explosion probably from a mine or torpedo. The ship was towed into the bay in Loch Na Lathaich but on the 20th January 1943 a fire on the ship caused a massive explosion which blew up the ship and another close by. Two men lost their lives and pieces of the ship were blown far up onto the hillside overlooking the water.

We climbed the hill and found 3 pieces of twisted metal , one large heavy piece with rivet holes was close to where this blip was taken. It was a lovely sunny morning with spectacular views of Ben More , the one Munro on Mull, and of the Burg which featured on yesterday's blip.

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