Life In Wales

By KarenC

A balancing act

Today consisted of a trip to the opticians, and apart from having to order new lenses for my glasses, it turns out I've got a virus in my eyes. I've got some more drops for dry eyes and hopefully they're on the the mend.

I then went to the supermarket and had all good intentions of goimg the gym, but I had a physio appointment at the hospital at 1.30pm and by the time I'd come out of the supermarket there's no way I'd have managed the gym, and got to the hospital in time. So I went home, unpacked the shopping and mowed the front garden before catching the bus to the hospital.

When I got there, it appeared I was at the wrong hospital! I went to the Royal Sussex where I'd had my appointment with the consultant, but I should have been at Brighton General. I gave them a call and fortunately they rearranged my appointment to tomorrow.

As I was in town I went to meet Chrissy and Alison who'd gone for lunch together, and after they'd finished we walked down to the beach and sat outside Alresco opposite West Pier. The sun was shining and we sat here for a couple of hours before heading home.

This guy had connected a slack wire to the pillars and was walking the wire and doing some jumps. A young girl got up to walk on it and she did very well, so I decided I wanted to have a go - I didn't even manage to climb on the wire, never mind walk on it!

It's been great today, because after making a decision yesterday to not blip every day, I've noticed some interesting things to blip without giving it to much thought, so who knows - I may carry on every day :-)

Thank you for putting my golden fields on the spotlight yesterday!

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