Helicopter Parenting

Day 4 of Happy Audrey. Taking each day as it comes as I know it might not last but it's good to not be moaning on blip about teething or an illness for once!

Wednesday is mine and Audrey's day and I do love it when it's like it was today. Just lots of fun!

We caught a lift into town with Angus and we had our lunch at Byron Burger (first time I've been to one and was really impressed). Audrey munched on her pasta and shared my fries (see pic). Angus joined us for a quick bite - he was in a foul mood today - and we all shared an ice cream sundae. Ice cream sundaes are a family fail-safe for bad moods! It was cute - us all sharing it with our long ice cream spoons!!

Had a bit of a shock shopping for new vests for Audrey. She's grown out of 18-24months and is in 2 year clothes now and vests with poppers don't exist! Or sleep suits! The woman in Gap laughed at me and said she is in pyjamas or t-shirt vests now. Was quite upset. I think I just want to keep her as a little baby. Am in denial that she's a proper little girl. Waaaaah!!!!

After her (late) nap, we went to a tea party over the road at our neighbours house this afternoon. Audrey was a little overwhelmed by all the people.

I found myself following her around to stop her banging her head or getting trodden on as the house was bursting with guests. I had to stop most conversations half way through. The other parents just let their kids go off and didn't follow them or hover round them. I think I might be one of those Helicopter Parents?? I don't want to be but am just so scared she might come to harm. What if the front door was open and she walked out onto the road? What if she fell down the stairs to the basement? I want to be more relaxed but it's not in my nature! It is really annoying though as couldn't chat, drink my tea or eat any cake dammit!

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