Wednesday: Spare Wheel

Recently, on one of our trips out, we found this wheel on a rubbish tip so we decided it needed to be given a good home in our garden.  I am assuming that we haven't absconded with a national treasure.......

A very out and about day today.  And, for some reason, all the meetings I had today were with super chatty people....I think there must have been something in the air today.  My final meeting today was with two people who were so chatty, they kept talking over each other.  My little head was back and forth as if I were at a tennis match.

We were supposed to be going to a friend's house tonight to watch 'Gravity' in 3D but we have had to move it to tomorrow.  I am most excited, though - I have never seen a 3D movie........

409 - a nice tune but the accompanying video is dreadful!!  Amusingly dreadful!

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