Swimmers' Log Book


Back in the habit

Think I've blipped words to this effect before, after a previous blip-break - but not only is blip a hard habit to break, it also takes a bit of getting (back) in to. Very nearly forgot today, so another last minute picture of my bedtime findings. Tonight: a rather amusing-looking toddler-doll in my place. (Now relocated to the wash basket that tends to reside on the floor in our room. No washing in, so not particularly cosy, but I'm sure he'll sleep well.)

Another good day. My last sessions teaching the little ones in Reception and Year 1 for a while, followed by steel band practice and swim training. I like to call it training, although for me it really is just swimming. The rest of my 'masters' (brilliant term, eh?!) squad are getting very serious and looking to enter their first competitions soon. They're doing their best to persuade me to join them. Trouble is, my competitive swims would most probably start with a painful belly-flop and a goggle-full of water, as I haven't quite 'mastered' diving yet.

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