Day trip

Went to Glasgow to see the Visit Scotland expo at the Seec. It was all for trade but interesting to see. I got the feeling that the traders there were for the top notch stock services like all the big hotels, distilleries, and the major regions. Surprised to see that Glasgow itself was very underrepresented! There were many posh traders wearing all manner of kilts, weird clothes and Edinburgh gliterati. You could have drunk yourself into oblivion with all the free booze and sweets available. I didn't think there were as many clients there as there ought to be but there is still tomorrow to go! I'm thinking this show would have been better located in England in order to attract the Uk visitor!Being as this is 2014 and yet another Homecoming year, that aspect seemed to be played down! Is there a fear of Independence looming being as the majority of accents I heard were almost all southern! Who knows, anyway I smooched and networked and passed my cards around and also met some old friends so not a bad day in all. The only photo I took was of the Kelpies in miniature, I'm still not sure about these things!
And finally! stopped to give a guy a lift at Tarbert Loch Lomond. Turns out he was in his seventies and had gone hillwalking from the top of the Rust & Be Thankless , had taken a few wrong turns and ended up at Inverlugas and was walking all the way back to get his car! This was at ten at night! He was very grateful to us and said countless cars had passed him for the last ten miles! Have we all lost the art of kindness! He offered to pay but we declined as we were going home anyhow. He then had to drive all the way back to his caravan in Luss. Some guy. From Barnsley, they make them tough down there

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