St Mungo's Academy learning community rocks!

Along with a team buddy, and an audience of a good couple of hundred at least, I have just spent the last 2 1/2 hrs being thoroughly entertained by a whole bunch of kids of various ages from various schools in Glasgow's East End.

They should all be completely proud of themselves for putting on such a spectacular evening. It was special.

What wasn't quite so special was the darling wee girl who sat next to me through the entire event farting constantly. Little sweet nutty farts that completely filled my nostrils. She was a wee darling and we had a lovely chat about her school, her P1 pals and her family. However, I'm now home and can still smell her emissions. This is not how I want to remember such a fantastic evening.

I'm off to wash my nostrils out.

But enough vulgarity; St Mungo's - You're the best!!!!

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