The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

How d'ya like THEM apples?

I'd forgotten about this pile of scrumped apples, slowly rotting away in the field becoming some form of cider for the worms and remembered today that I'd better catch them before they had gone completely. I'm told these are a rare species of apple, they are never very good for eating but some of the locals come and scrump them, I'm guessing this was the reject pile, or maybe they couldn't fit in the sack.

It's nearly the weekend which is good because I'm feeling under the weather. To add to the high pollution the country is experiencing, yesterday there was both a bonfire nearby and the estate farmers decided to do some grain drying, which is both noisy and dusty. Someday my car will be clean....

cinema tonight and perhaps a quiet weekend or maybe some vicarious property viewing. Need to get my bicycle fixed and get out in the countryside (okay, I'm IN the countryside right now but am at work. It doesn't count).

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