Mother's Tulips

It's a very long time since I had to oversee 4 children going to school, but I was earmarked for that very duty before first light this morning when Daughter#2 and son-in-law had to fly down to Bristol at the crack of dawn for a funeral.

I must say the children were good about getting up and getting themselves ready for school with minimal input from me. Even Theo the 5 year old found his clothes and put them on without any help or chivvying.

With the oldest grandson dispatched early, snacks for break and juice safely packed, shoes on, coats on, and rucksacks on backs, the other 3 and I precessed in a fairly stately manner in the mizzle to the school playground where they all melted away and I was left to cycle home for a late breakfast and a peaceful read of the papers.

Not only has my early working start has caught up with me but it's raining outside and so it's Mother's tulips having to go centre stage.

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