
Not my best blip, but I was struck by the sight of the 2 of us with our emergency alarms around our necks!!.
This Is my next-door-but-one-neighbour Musa, who you have met before. She is now in her late 90's ( not sure which).
She kindly offered me the use of her walk- in- shower. As mine is over the bath, so requiring a big step into the bath, I've ben told not to use mine. So bag on back, crutches working, I went along to her for a shower and discovered the added difficulty of managing in an unfamiliar space. Having showered, her loo seat is too low for me to sit on, so I had to shout help to get knickers on!!. She tried to get me putting my leg down the wrong hole ggrr and we nearly had a spat!!
We're looking cheery here eh!

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