My Little bit of Heaven.

I have finally finished pottering with my pots - for now! Not sure I should go near another garden centre for a while - its dangerous!

Mr W and I went to the cinema this morning. Cant remember what we saw - the one with Kate Winslet in it. It was a lovely storey.

My afternoon work then got cancelled so I was able to pop to a few more garden centers and potter about in the garden after having spent all day pressure hosing the patio yesterday.

And there is only 1 garden chair for a reason!!!! I put my fat bum through the other one last year and Mr W hardly ever sits out there, so that ones mine!!!!! Its a real sun trap there especially now the opposite wall is ivy free!!!!

Sorry for the lack of comments on all your journals. I have had terrible trouble with my Samsung phone. It seems to crash when I take photos. I backed it up, restored it (I hate that bit) and seem to be spending hours trying to work out how to work it all again!!! Nothing is how it was! And it crashed again today taking this picture so Im not impressed!!! Bear with me - Ill be back soon!!!


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