The Christening...
This is a picture that my uncle (the cherub-a-like looking away from the camera up front) scanned this picture of my brother's christening.
Up until the other week (posted 3-Mar-2014), I didn't know photos containing this mix of people existed. The main thing that surprised me was seeing both sets of my grandparents, Grandpa and Granny Millar, back right and holding the christenee (My brother Colin), and Grandpa and Granny Currie at the far right, in a single photo.
I don't have an exact date for this but my mum surmised that it was around this date and was taken in the living room of Sannox Farm on Arran where my Millar side of the family used to live and work. I've got many very vivid memories from the small time we lived these also.
This has got to be up there with one of my favourite photos I've seen. So many memories of times gone by.
The back row from left to right is Eric Kay, my Uncle Ian and then my Grandpa Millar (my mum's dad).
Middle row from left to right is my mum and dad, my auntie Ann with some reporbate kid in her lap. My Granny Millar, Margaret Kay (Colin's Godmonther) then My granny and grandpa Currie on the far right with my uncle Andrew sitting up front.
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