alice's adventures

By aliceblips

Analyze this

I've stopped analyzing the reflective self portrait obsession, it's just a part of me and my journey now.

Here are a few words from my Dad on the subject (it's been a while).

'I worry a bit about you and all those mirror shots of you with a camera but maybe I'm missing the point - they're not exactly selfies in the accepted (?) narcissistic (?) sense but I find them a wee bit bothersome. But that's just an old man's take on his confusion these days about what the fuck's going on in the 21st century: there are worse things in the world..

My wife is having a problem these days with the bathroom mirror. She keeps wondering what that old woman is doing who greets her first thing in the morning and takes the piss. I tell her to ignore such reflections in life and tell her to pay more attention to her husband who views her more accurately as a beautiful woman: she tells me I'm wearing rose-tinted spectacles. I tell her, if that's the case, when she looks at me (who she thinks is the handsomest man in the universe), she must be viewing this bloke through the most idealistic photoshop image imaginable

Personally, I have no problem with mirrors but then men have a better deal when it comes to ageing, or at least some of us do. Mostly I only look in the mirror when I'm shaving my elegant beard to fit the elegant shape of my superb angular face and marvel at the beauty therein. Occasionally - when I'm really brave - I remove the front row of my artificial dentures and grin defiantly into the bathroom mirror. Now there's a sight to frighten my grandchildren. Especially when my hair is standing on end from a sleepless night and hangover is written all over my hangdog face.'

You funny man x

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