Killer heels

Contrast with the sartorial elegance that my beloved captured me in last night, (Thanks for that love!)

Works party next Wednesday - life is looking increasingly frantic over the next 4 days, with preparations for the retirement of a colleague, giving blood on friday, eye test on saturday a number of significant meetings still to take place, a potential ministerial visit on Monday, a trip to Lisa's new house on Saturday and trying to squeeze a quick visit to my Nana in somewhere along the way - so tonight had to be the night for shopping.

Successful mission - nice "Little black dress" acquired (although I agonised over the same dress in Midnight blue...might go back and get it tomorrow afternoon if truth be told! Decisions decisions), the killer heels and some undies. I'm not one for spending loads of money on clothes or shopping, but I fancied getting glammed up next week, so I've treated myself.

Bath-time for little shopaholics and early bed. We're all wrecked.


forgot to mention that the first thing Corin did was get his tape measure out to check the heel height (4 inches)

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