Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

One year!

Wow, 365 days! I almost missed it too - D'oh(nut)! ;)

I love it just as much today as I did the day I started :O) Its been an enormous pleasure being part of this community and its wonderful having you all to share my happy times with, listen to my looneyness, nod sagely at my wee rants and for cheering me up during the more difficult days, lovely kind folks that you are.
Huge buckets of love and many thankyous to everyone who pops in and comments - its always very much appreciated!

If you look very very closely you might be able to see that the candles are actually arranged to read didn't work terribly well I have to admit!! Mostly because donuts, it turns out, are too round and not flat enough! lol
Ah well, I had lots of fun trying to blow them out though!

More blip birthday blipping here.

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