Here's looking at ewe babe!

Well tackled the horrible bathroom that was beginning to look like a war zone! then big son came home all covered in mud and had a shower! Almost back to square one! Ach well there's always tomorrow! Might as well work my way through the house then I will feel better & then someone will come to visit as always happens when I do a deep clean!
Lots of folks off on their Easter Hols, hard to believe we are in April and it's still damn well raining!
Not much in the way of picture inspiration today so I give ewe this lady!
Enjoy your break folks And finally! got sent a book by BBC radio nan Gaidhael to read for a review on one of their programmes. Its called A Possible Madness by Frank MacDonald and I have to have it read by the 25th April so I better get my skates on!

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