By AMK49

Feral goat in Mull

This afternoon we had a delightful coastal walk from the pier at Carsaig with the hope of finding the feral goats that inhabit this rugged coastline. We were not disappointed and found a group of them sitting by the rocks near the water's edge - others were grazing on the steep slopes that rise high above the path.

This photo may not be the best I took, I will never know, as I accidentally deleted more than 100 photos taken with my Canon and telephoto lens when I was trying to make room on my i-pad to download them! Even long suffering Mrs AMK felt sorry for me!!!

Fortunately I had my compact camera in my pocket and for some reason I took a few photos with it - I must have had a premonition of my stupidity!

The pier at Carsaig was the scene of much activity last year during the filming of "Silent Storm" starring Damien Lewis- I am looking forward to the release of the film.

Tomorrow we return home after another very enjoyable week on the croft - lots of involvement with the sheep and lambs and for once we were on the side of Scotland which was having more favourable weather.

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