Amateur's confessions

By S79

street musician

Two years ago Jaan earned a great deal of money by playing the instrument on the photo (this is a toy, but makes sounds like a real one) at Viru Folk (a folk festival in Estonia), he put a hat down and played with his 4-year-old charm at its best.
Today he played at our backyard, which is closed from the street.
And he was totally disappointed, that he had no screaming public! And no coins!

Well, what are the odds of that happening in a closed backyard? :P

Anyway, he was crying and told me that he would never again be a street musician, that was the end of his career!

I put this photo to Facebook for my family to see and a miracle happened! My brother called me and told me to put the little musician ready. I told Jaan, that there is a surprise in the yard if he played just one more time!
And there he was- uncle Jaan (Jaan is named after him), with pockets full of coins and clapping at his performance :D

I love this kind of moments!

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