
By Truly

Nizwa souq 9am. This little guy helped his Father bid for a calf. He imitated everything his Father did during the whole transaction - very cute.

Interesting morning - but hot, cloudy and humid. The hovering storm eventually came about 5pm and brought with it a welcome coolness and break in humidity.

Curry from the mall for tea - delicious as usual.

The day was rounded off by a night of theatre presented by RAHADS. Always an interesting, if at times somewhat nerve wrecking, experience. (Not sure Mr Alan Ayckbourne would feel the same if he'd been watching mind you!!) But much fun was had by all - cast and audience - and the after-show party looked set to run well into the early hours when we quietly slipped away.

Tomorrow I have promised to take Princess shopping at the mall. The Boy has already started making excuses for why he probably won't be able to join us...apparently GCSE revision is preferable over clothes shopping with his sister ( :

Life is good...but I'm missing my gorgeous Kuifje x

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