Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Easter bonnets

Last day of term, here at last. Children's school each year celebrate Easter with an Easter bonnet parade, it is a lively event, great to see the children's creativity.

Nursery fun and bonkers, children finished at 1:30 and we had a brilliantly sociable afternoon ending in a sleepover for E with her friend also an E. They are upstairs now and quiet but I doubt they are asleep. We watched Frozen together, what a great movie.

Sorry I have been a bit off of late, so tired but also really I settled by something, not sure what but it has been hard to focus on praying and I was really aware I needed God's strength but just couldn't keep my brain in the right place. And then God threw me a lifeline.

If, Donne says, having ‘entered into thy prayer, thou have found thyself withdrawn, transported, strayed into some deviations, and by-thoughts; thou must not think all that devotion lost’ for God ‘will also spread that zeal with which thou enteredest into thy prayer, over thy whole prayer, and where that (thine own zeal) is too short, Christ Jesus himself will spread his prayer over thine, and say, “Give him, O Father, that which he hath asked faithfully in my name, and, where he hath fallen into any deviations or negligences, Father forgive him.”’

Jesus joins His prayers with mine and the Spirit groans with me. Thank you.
Also so thankful for the friends I have around me, who also join me in prayer and whose love and support constantly build me up and draw me on.

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