Basilisk Lizard, Tortuguero Nat'l Park, Costa Rica
The variety of wildlife in Costa Rica's Tortuguero National Park is simply astonishing. Among the many species found there is the Basilisk Lizard, also known as the 'Jesus Christ Lizard' for its ability to seemingly 'walk' on water.
Like most lizards, its usual method of propulsion is to scurry about on all-fours but, when the Basilisk Lizard wants to traverse small stretches of water, it goes up on its hind legs and propels itself on these as if running or walking. Only in short bursts, of course, but it is an amazing sight to behold. The one in this photo, however, was quite content to bask in the sun until a boatload of pesky tourists with cameras appeared. Then it dashed into the undergrowth, using its conventional method of travel I should add. Thankfully it waited long enough for most of us to grab a picture like this one.
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