Swimmers' Log Book


Private jokes

This was my Mothers' Day present from Chloe. A book about mentoring. Private joke. Makes me smile.

Last school swimming lesson for my Year 3 class today, so I attempted to lead them in an aquarobics session. Took me a few minutes to get in my stride, but by the end the children were suggesting moves which we put together in a routine. It was fun.

I now have my own class. And classroom. And desk! How cool is that? I'm itching to get in and sharpen pencils! Actually, I've just over-rated the desk thing a bit- it's technically just a Year 6 table, but it'll be mine!

I'm also now responsible for the academic progress of 29 children, which is a tad scary. But I'll do my best; can't do more than that, eh?

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