A Ginger's Life

By leviathan616

The Robot King!

A tizz a glorius day!! The trees are singing - the birds are wooshing - and waiting for online stuff from amazon to be delivered!!
Ahhh, its the waiting that really annoys me!! But peace and happiness - thats all I can say!!

I may have to explain the blip a little!
Mum showed me a catagogue for stuff the other day and cool designs for kitchen robots. (This was from a photo magazine!!)
So I thought I would have a go! It was a lot of fun to be honest!! Imaging Mum having a good idea! Amazing!!
The mice minions just created a little flare I thought!

Well, I would love having a wee army at my beck and call!

Off to go and see Porcupine Tree tomorrow! Very looking forward to it!!

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