Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


Its that time of year again. The 'Belen' (Nativity) was officially opened on
6 December, which is the Spanish Constitution Day. The Belen is in the town square in Torreveija and is on view from 6 Decemeber until 8 January. Each year there are new additions added, the whole thing depicts the story of the birth of Jesus, from the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary, day to day life, the Three Wise men and much more. The salt mounds are an integral part of the Belen as in Torreveija we have the large salt lakes which are still worked and Roman soldiers used to be paid in salt.

Usually we visit at night, when all the Christmas lights are on and the chestnut sellers do a roaring trade,but as it was such a nice day we decided to drive into Torreveija, see the Belen have a wander round, have a coffee and people watch. A very pleasant afternoon.


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