
Took a trip into the 'big smoke' today, parked in Brockley, took the train to London Bridge, walked to Borough Market, had a wander round, then another wander round, this time to buy stuff, picked up some rolls (Geoff and Becca's rolls weren't as nice as they looked) and walked to the river, The Globe, Tate Modern (no display in the Turbine Room?) and Millenium Bridge (took some photos from the bridge but not sure about them).

Saw this wheel in the 'mud' at the side of the Thames, wonder how long that has been there?

Walked back towards the market to meet Tim, who was pretty hungover after his end of term drinks with his fellow teachers (he slept for two hours in the pub and doesn't remember getting home and slept on the settee until 10:30 this morning). I think he was pretty pleased that this term has finished although being a college he isn't off for two weeks but there aren't set classes although students will be in it is less stressful.

Becca is pretty tired after a weekend in the USA, the following weekend in Paris for work, and last weekend in Oxford and Stratford, I think, again with work and on Wednesday she is off for a month to see Jon, Dana, Chris, Maddie and Agnes!.

Skyped Jon on Friday, he has tonsilitis so was feeling pretty sorry for himself, but on the good side him and Dana have both secured new jobs so handed in their three months notice yesterday!

Maddie and Agnes skyped us on Thursday then Chris, Maddie and Agnes skyped on Friday so really nice. Agnes is becoming quite cheeky. They should complete on their house this Friday and move in after their trip to Thailand in May and they have done some work on the new place.

Geoff is out in his 'office' aka the utility room preparing some more items for ebay, he is determined to break the £500 barrier by next weekend.

Me, I've just slept through the Grand National, pulled myself together, chosen my blip, had a couple of mugs of tea, now I either finish the eyes on my sheep jumper or complete the letter 'R'.

Then we will have some of the goodies we bought at the market for supper, they include garlic and chilli bread, olive and cheese bread stick, pork pie, a brie style cheese from Bath, a blue cheese from the same company, some figs, grapes, pickles, I think that is about it!

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