wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Bend and stretch, reach for the stars .......

Here comes Jupiter there goes Mars.........
I was surprised to find out that Romper Room seems to have been a world wide element of torture of my childhood. Was Captain Kangaroo too?
I can still sing every song by heart. Even at an early age I was able to hear and memorize music after hearing it a few times.
We are learning a few new songs for the band. One of them is "One More Year" by Kasey Chambers.
I have been singing it steady for two days. Comfortably Numb is another ...this should need NO explanation, and Stripes. I posted a link to this a while back.
I am amazed at the power of music. It can lull us to sleep, wake us up, calm us down, inspire us and more.
No matter how my day has gone, music makes it better.

Now I can add photography. I love to go and shoot. I will lay down, stand in water, trip over stuff I don't see, fall on my ass and slide down a hill in the same fashion. Most important thing?
I have ruined boots, ripped pants, lost a fingernail or two and trespassed illegally into places I never should have been. Oh and I LOVE it. I can't swim and I am so afraid I will be stupid and fall into water. So if it involves water, I am very careful.
It was thought once that if you throw someone in water over their head, the automatic reflex will be to swim. When you are seven the automatic reflex is to drown. When you are 56 the reflex is to kill the person who does that to you.

I worked 6 hours today and it was great. I accomplished a lot. Now I am home and have to clean my room. My favorite song to get revved up to? Pink


Don't mess with a redhead. We take no prisoners. Insert evil laugh here.......

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