Yvonne .....

..... on Otley Chevin.

I've had a rare Saturday of work today and have spent it Taking photos with Riaz from the Bradford photo group. The day started early with a bus over to Oltley to meet up with Riaz to photograph the erecting of the Chevin Cross.

The cross has stood on top of the Chevin every Easter ( bar one, due to the foot and mouth outbreak ) since 1968. The current cross is made from salvaged material from the 1996 Manchester IRA bombings and was built in 2000 to replace the old one. Weighing about two tons it takes a lot of manpower to get it hoisted and there was a good turn out today.

I had arranged with the organisers to take some photos for them of the cross being assembled and raised and have added a fair few photos to a set here. I also took a few portraits up on the Chevin including this one of Yvonne who was watching the cross being raised.

After a cuppa and a bite to eat in Otley myself and Riaz then headed of to Idle to take some photos. It was the first time either of us had been to Idle and at first glance it looked like it may be a challenge to find anything to photograph but then we went in to the Idle Men's Working Club and had a fun hour chatting to the members and taking photos in the games room, we were made to feel really welcome and ended up taking lots of photos. I've added some of mine to yet another set here.

It's been a long but really enjoyable day. I was spoilt for choice of photos to blip today but there was something about the lovely Yvonne that kept drawing me back to her portrait, so today's blip is .....

..... Yvonne on Otley Chevin.

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